This is my late start of 16 days of blogging on Ending Violence Against Women as observed starting on 25 November by many international and local organizations, NGOs, and activists. In particular, I'm interested in the technology activities from Take Back the Tech activists who post up daily activities, actions by various bloggers, tweeters, and other media activists. Every year, their efforts and activities grow in scope and complexity. I continue to be amazed by all the blogging, tweeting, photo-video-making, social media activism around the world and the positive impacts and changes that they have generated.
Alas I never enrolled in Twitter last year, but am thinking about it again.
My meager offerings for this first post:
I will continue my discussions later today and in future posts will address issues surrounding violence against women in and around the military, in war zones, in USA, ongoing violence against women in Bangladesh including Awami League youth members' rapes of young women in Bangladesh, and other related topics.
This also a busy time for assorted events:
- overview of posts on ending violence against women in Global Voices: http://globalvoicesonline.org/specialcoverage/ending-violence-against-women-2009/
- a series of videos on VAW as compiled by Global Voices' energetic video editor,Juliana Rincón Parra http://globalvoicesonline.org/2009/11/25/video-end-violence-against-women-around-the-world/ (available in English y Español)
I will continue my discussions later today and in future posts will address issues surrounding violence against women in and around the military, in war zones, in USA, ongoing violence against women in Bangladesh including Awami League youth members' rapes of young women in Bangladesh, and other related topics.
This also a busy time for assorted events:
- to my Muslim friends, Eid Mubarak
- to my friends gathering for Thanksgiving--safe travels as well as remembering the indigenous people who suffered greatly colonial takeovers.
- In response to the onslaught of conspicious consumption commercials for post-Thanksgiving and pre-Christmas sales, I will be observing international Buy Nothing Day, 27-28 Nov.
- Last not least, I will be making this semi-locavore-fairtrade vegan dish--lemony quinoa with butternut squash. (already purchased ingredients)