Today is return to blogging for me and a two-fer day: Day of Blogging on Climate Change and Vegan MOFO III (Vegan Month of Blogging). Ironically my last post in December 2008 was on food....
In my reflections-teaching on globalization, the latest economic crises (since November 2008), President Barack Obama's election (!), and ongoing recovery from illness, I've adopted some new interests-actions and personal changes.
First, I'm proposing that one solution to climate change is also a change in our diets and eating patterns...in particular to eat more plant-based, local, and seasonal foods in our diets, i.e. vegan diets. In 1978, I became a vegetarian because of inequities in food distribution as well as inefficient food production, for example, ten pounds of grain->one pound of beef. I sought to eat closer to the food chain. In 2008 and teaching about globalization, I also realized that our factory models of meat, milk, and egg production cannot be sustained through free range production around the world (more on this later) as well as the climate change induced by methane, by-products, and land cleared to grow grains to support factory food production. Mark Bittman in Food Matters and his column also inspired me by his exhortation to eat vegan for morning and mid-day meals and whatever you want in the evening.
Second, I've transitioned into a vegan diet (all day) while I have been recovering from an inland hurricane or derecho in Carbondale, tick-induced disease, and a flareup of my MS ...and limited energy for blogging, research, and writing. This diet has posed some interesting challenges for buying, cooking, and eating in my current USA location and also for overseas travel.
Third, changes have occurred in my activities in Bangladesh, research, and teaching and I will address some of these changes in future blogposts. At the same time, I remain very interested in violence against women in general and in Bangladesh (which still does not have a law against domestic violence), global economy & women workers, and empowerment. For example, what are the implications of the global crisis for women workers and their families? Diet and purchasing changes in the North for agricultural workers in the South? Fair trade? Organic? Genetically modified food? Eating locally? Time and $ implications for slow food vs. fast food? Last, I hope to post for the 16 days campaign against violence against women starting on November 25(see takebackthetech.net)
Finally, I leave you with a few of my favorite blogs on vegan issues-recipes: